Friday, September 17, 2021

acronyms and acronyms, writing codes

Here is a list of keys to properly write acronyms and acronyms:

1. The acronyms are initials and sometimes more

According to the Spelling of the Spanish language, an acronym is a " linguistic sign generally formed with the initial letters of each of the terms that make up a complex expression": BCE and UN are respective acronyms for European Central Bank and Organization of the United Nations.

To facilitate their pronunciation, many acronyms include more letters from the beginning of any of the terms, incorporate prepositions or conjunctions, or dispense with the initial of a word: Mercosur, Conacyt, and Mufasa are developed respectively Southern Common Market, National Council of Science and Technology, and General Mutual Fund for Officials of the State Civil Administration. You may also be interested in what does wtw mean in texting

2. Acronym is also each of the letters

Each of the letters that make up this class of linguistic signs is also called an acronym, so that it can be said that BCE and UN are acronyms formed in turn by three acronyms each and it can be spoken of as "the acronym BCE " or "the acronym ECB '.

3. Acronyms: acronyms that can be read by syllables

Specifically, the type of acronym that can be read naturally in Spanish syllable by syllable is called acronym: UN is an acronym and acronym, since it reads / ó-nu /, unlike the acronym BCE, which is an acronym, but not an acronym, as it is read by spelling: / bé-cé-é /. (Strictly speaking, any term formed by elements of two or more words is an acronym, regardless of whether it forms an acronym or not: docudrama, for example, is also an acronym, based on documentary and dramatic ).

4. Development of acronyms: upper and lower case

Unless it is well known, the first time an acronym is used it is recommended to accompany it in its development: in lower case if it corresponds to a common name ( IRPF develops income tax on individuals and CIEs are detention centers for individuals). foreigners ) and in capital letters in the case of proper names ( UN is developed as United Nations Organization ).

5. Acronyms are written without periods

The acronyms are written without abbreviations points ( UN, rather than UN ), while the abbreviations it the lead: p., Sr. or M.ª.

6. The plural of acronyms

The plural of acronyms is not graphically marked with the s, which is correct to pronounce in oral language, so it is appropriate to write NGOs, not NGOs or NGOs.

In the spoken language, on the other hand, the acronyms do form the plural according to the general rules, that is, with the addition of the sound of an ese , although in its written form this letter is omitted. Thus, even if the NGOs or CPs are written, it is appropriate to read / the NGOs / and / the fish /.

7. Capital letters and acronyms in acronyms and acronyms

The acronyms are written with all capital letters and without accents ( CIA, BCE, PC, OPV ), except for acronyms that are proper names and have five letters or more, which can be written only with a capital letter in the initial and have an accent o not according to the usual rules in this regard: Fundéu or Sareb. This is especially so when the reference of its complete development has been lost and within a process in which that spelling sometimes coexists with the writing of the acronym with all capital letters, which is also orthographically correct.

The acronyms included in the language as common names are written in lowercase are accentuated graphically according to the normal rules ( euríbor, opa , SME, AIDS, radar ) and form the plural so regulate: Opas, SME, radars.

8. Foreign acronyms, translation criteria

It is recommended to translate foreign acronyms ( UNO, from United Nations Organization, becomes UN, from United Nations Organization ), unless they are acronyms that are already established in use, correspond to commercial names, or present difficulties in translation: IBM, from International Business Machines, remains in English.

The abbreviations and acronyms that, for the reasons just stated, do not translate, whose development, therefore, corresponds to expressions in another language, are written in round form, without italics or between quotation marks: "The major operations of the CIA, uncovered" or "Regarding the future of the CD, the industry has its doubts."

9. 23-F and 23F

The alphanumerical, for example, those dates, can be written scripted or unscripted: 23F and 23F.

10. The AMPA and the FTAA

With acronyms that begin with / a / tonic, the article la is used when the nucleus of the abbreviated expression is a feminine noun that in its developed form does not begin with / a / tonic ( the AMPA, of the association of mothers and fathers of students, since association, does not begin with / a / tonic ); while the written article on when said core corresponds in its development to a noun if it begins with / a / tonic: the FTAA, of Area of Free Trade of the Americas, since Area does begin with / a / tonic.


Today we head to Thailand to try one of the most iconic desserts in the Land of Smiles: Khao neow mamuang or mango with sticky rice.


Mango Sticky Rice (ข้าวเหนียว มะม่วง) is a dessert made with sticky rice, fresh mango, and coconut milk, and flavored with crunchy roasted mung beans. It is a ubiquitous dessert in Thailand, as well as Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam, and has also become common in other countries in Southeast Asia and beyond. Although it can be served year-round, it is most popular in April and May when it is mango season.


Glutinous rice is very popular in Thailand and in this region in general. In addition to mango with sticky rice, it is also used in other popular desserts such as Khao tom, which consists of sticky rice wrapped in banana leaves and steamed. 

You may also be interested to know about the following recipe khao neeo mamuang

This dessert reminds us of Koba Ravina from Madagascar, although we use glutinous rice flour for this dessert. Khao mak is another popular Thai dessert made with sticky rice. This dessert is prepared with look-pang, a starchy ball made with garlic, galangal, pepper, and yeast, allowing the sticky rice to ferment and develop a certain alcohol content, which is why this dessert is traditionally a dessert for adults.


Thailand has historically been the world's number one rice exporter, but India and Vietnam have challenged this position in recent years. Thailand offers a great variety of rice beyond sticky rice.

The most famous is, of course, jasmine rice, also called home mali (Thai aromatic rice), sweet-smelling long-grain rice that traditionally accompanies Thai curry, such as Kaeng Kari kai (yellow curry). But Thailand also has other interesting rice such as brown sticky rice (Khao neow dum) or colorful rice (green: pandan leaves, or blue: Kanchan or butterfly pea flower) that are used in desserts.


Khao new (sticky rice or sweet rice) is often eaten with the hands when served with dishes influenced by the Northeast (Isan region) such as lab. Thai sticky rice is traditionally steamed in a bamboo basket called head (or huat). However, it can also be cooked in a rice cooker, although the result may not be so light.


For the mango with sticky rice, once the sticky rice is cooked, you have to “dump it”. In Thai, mun means to pile up. This operation consists of mixing the sweetened coconut milk with the sticky rice.

Once the sticky rice has absorbed all of the coconut milk, it is topped with a salty version of the same sweetened coconut milk. This combination of sweet and savory might not appeal to some people, and I was skeptical when I first tried this dessert over 10 years ago. However, it just works! The same salty sauce can also be placed on top of the mango. Finally, the dessert is sprinkled with roasted mung beans, although it can also be found with roasted or black sesame seeds.

The type of mango commonly used for this Thai mango sticky rice dessert is the juicy name dawk mai and ok rong varieties. If you can't find those varieties where you live, just go for ripe mangoes.

You can't go wrong with mango and sticky rice, and this dessert is the easy kind of dessert to make for any Southeast Asian meal. Sweet, tasty, and delicious!

Friday, August 27, 2021

Why conjugating in English can cause us confusion

 Mastering the verb tenses of the Bardo language is essential for establishing good communication between speakers. Well, if verb tenses in English are considered easier than those in Portuguese, why can it be so difficult for Portuguese speakers to use them correctly?

 It's simple, our brain is molded to Portuguese. So, then, how to evolve these grammatical structures in English and never make mistakes again?

 Understand that Portuguese and English are two different languages. Check out, for example, some of these differences:

 1. Portuguese has the subjunctive mode. Example: If I have/Whenever he wants...

 2. Portugal has phrases with the hidden subject because the termination of the English irregular verbs normally indicates to us who the subject is. On the other hand, if we build subjectless sentences in English, we will not be able to know who is responsible for the action. See these examples:

 The public will one children's book last year. (Subject: I, determined by the conjugation of the verb.)

 Published a child book last year. ( Who? Who published the book? With the absence of a specific subject – which in Portuguese we could refer to the hidden subject – in the structure of the sentence in English, we do not know whom we are referring to, therefore, we do not know the subject of the sentence and this is not grammatically acceptable.

 3. Verbs are conjugated for all people, making changes, keeping the root. Negative and interrogative sentences in English contain auxiliary verbs and have a change in word order. Note these examples:

 I have published a book. /I published a book.

 She has published a book ./She has published a book – note that the auxiliary verb has changed from having, 1st person singular, to has, 3rd person singular.

 The same happens in the structuring of the sentence in its negative and interrogative forms. And this is a grammatical ordering that we don't have in Portuguese. We rely much more on the verbal and nominal agreement and verbal and nominal rulership when structuring our sentences. Watch:

Thursday, April 29, 2021

Euro 2021: Gastgeber, qualifizierte Teams und Ihr Leitfaden für die neu gestaltete Europameisterschaft

Alles, was Sie über das spezielle europäische Turnier wissen müssen, das im nächsten Sommer auf dem gesamten Kontinent stattfinden wird, nachdem es verschoben wurde

Die Europameisterschaft wird 2021 Neuland betreten. Das Turnier findet in einer Reihe von Ländern auf dem gesamten Kontinent statt.

Ursprünglich für Juni und Juli 2020 geplant, musste die UEFA den Wettbewerb aufgrund der Schwere der globalen Coronavirus-Pandemie, die 2020 die Welt erfasste, verschieben.

Die Idee hinter der europaweiten Veranstaltung war es, anlässlich des 60-jährigen Bestehens des Turniers (61 Jahre im Jahr 2021) "eine Party in ganz Europa" zu veranstalten und zum zweiten Mal in der Geschichte 24 Mannschaften zu präsentieren.

Da der Wettbewerb in verschiedenen Ländern ausgetragen wurde, gab es kein automatisches Qualifikationsspiel, und jedes UEFA-Mitgliedsland musste kämpfen, um sich seinen Platz im Finale zu sichern.

Der Qualifizierungsprozess hat sich etwas geändert und die Einführung des Völkerbundes hat zu Verwirrung geführt, aber zum Glück ist Goal hier, um die Angelegenheit zu lösen. Das könnte Sie auch interessieren EM 2021 Spielplan


Euro 2021 Finale

Euro 2021 Format

Euro 2021 Mannschaften

Euro 2021 Tickets

Euro 2021 Favoriten

Wo ist das Euro 2021 Finale?

Das Finale der Euro 2021 findet im Wembley-Stadion in London statt, in dem sich die englische Nationalmannschaft befindet, die bei der Weltmeisterschaft 2018 den vierten Platz belegte. Der Veranstaltungsort, der liebevoll als "Die Heimat des Fußballs" bekannt ist, wird auch für die beiden Halbfinalspiele genutzt.


Die neue hochmoderne Anlage wurde 2007 saniert und wiedereröffnet. Sie hat eine Kapazität von 90.000 Plätzen und war Austragungsort des FA Cup- und League Cup-Finales sowie des Community Shield.

Wembley (in seiner früheren Gestalt) veranstaltete bereits 1996 das Finale der Europameisterschaft, als England Gastgeber des Turniers war. Der ursprüngliche Wembley wurde auch für das WM-Finale 1966 verwendet.

Euro 2021 Format

Wie oben erwähnt, werden an der Euro 2021 24 Mannschaften teilnehmen, nachdem die UEFA beschlossen hat, die Teilnehmerzahl ab 2016 zu erhöhen.

Das Format für die Endrunde ist das gleiche wie für die Vorgänger-Euro 2016, was bedeutet, dass es sechs Gruppen mit vier Mannschaften geben wird.

Wie bei der EM 2016 erreichen der Sieger und Zweitplatzierte jeder Gruppe sowie die vier besten Drittplatzierten das Achtelfinale. Sie können auch lesen EM 2021 wetten

Wann startet die Euro 2021?

Die Euro 2021 soll vorläufig im Juni 2021 beginnen, aber die Realisierbarkeit des Turniers hängt in hohem Maße von externen Faktoren ab, einschließlich des globalen Managements des Covid-19-Ausbruchs.

Die Entscheidung, die Europameisterschaft zu verschieben, wurde in der Hoffnung getroffen, dass andere Fußballwettbewerbe wie die Premier League, die La Liga usw. ihren Zeitplan vervollständigen werden.

Euro 2021 Mannschaften

Die Qualifikation für die Euro 2021 beinhaltete ein neues System, bei dem der Großteil der nach der traditionellen Gruppenmethode qualifizierten Teams und vier Plätze über die UEFA Nations League entschieden werden.

Die Qualifikation zur Euro 2021 fand von März 2019 bis November 2019 statt, wobei 20 Teams automatisch bestätigt wurden:

Österreich, Belgien, Kroatien, Tschechische Republik, Dänemark, England, Finnland, Frankreich, Deutschland, Italien, Niederlande, Polen, Portugal, Russland, Spanien, Schweden, Schweiz, Türkei, Ukraine und Wales.

Die verbleibenden vier Teams werden während der Play-offs entschieden, die vorläufig für Juni 2020 geplant sind, falls es der Welt gelingen sollte, die Ausbreitung von Covid-19 einzudämmen.

Euro 2021 Tickets

Das Ticketantragsverfahren für Fans von Teams, die sich über das traditionelle Qualifikationsspiel für die Europameisterschaft qualifiziert haben, wurde im Dezember 2019 eröffnet. Unterstützer der Teams, die die Playoffs der Nations League gewinnen, können sich bewerben, nachdem diese Spiele im Juni 2020 entschieden wurden.

Natürlich erschwert die unvorhergesehene Verschiebung des Turniers bis zum Sommer 2021 die Angelegenheit und die UEFA hat sich verpflichtet, den Nennwert der Tickets, die von denjenigen gekauft wurden, die nicht mehr am Turnier teilnehmen können, vollständig zurückzuerstatten.

Das Beste, was Unterstützer tun können, wenn sie Zweifel haben oder daran interessiert sind, ist, das Ticketportal der UEFA zu besuchen und sich direkt an die Organisation zu wenden.

Wer sind die Favoriten, um Euro 2021 zu gewinnen?

Frankreich wird nach dem Gewinn der Weltmeisterschaft 2018 in Russland zu den Favoriten des Turniers gehören. Kylian Mbappe, Antoine Griezmann und Paul Pogba werden weiterhin Schlüsselspieler im Kader von Les Bleus sein.

Der Weltmeister befindet sich jedoch in einer "Gruppe des Todes", wobei der amtierende Europameister Portugal und der frühere Weltmeister Deutschland zu den Favoriten zählen.

Der Zweitplatzierte der Weltmeisterschaft 2018, Kroatien, könnte ebenfalls stark um den Gewinn des Turniers kämpfen. Die Euro 2021 ist möglicherweise das letzte große internationale Turnier für viele ihrer goldenen Generation wie Luka Modric, Ivan Rakitic, Ivan Perisic, Mario Mandzukic und Danijel Subasic.

Andere Teams, von denen erwartet wird, dass sie gut abschneiden, sind Belgien, Spanien und England. Italien und Wales hatten letztes Mal unvergessliche Erfahrungen mit der Europameisterschaft und hoffen auf mehr davon, während die Niederlande nach einigen Jahren in der Wildnis versuchen werden, zum Gipfel des internationalen Fußballs zurückzukehren.

Thursday, April 8, 2021

Tips to improve your profile on dating sites

Optimize your dating social media profile to be more successful and connect with more people. Love can be a few clicks away.

Communication technologies have come to change almost every aspect of people's lives, including social interactions, romance, and how to find love.

It is increasingly common to run into people who claim to be users of dating sites, their popularity has grown so much that the giant Facebook launched its own version, called Facebook Dating, although it is not yet available in our country.

Dating sites are not new at all; however, it was in the last few years that they had a great boom with the arrival of Tinder, probably the most famous and used dating site.

With this new way of making yourself known as a possible candidate to start a love relationship, it is necessary to know some ideas that can be implemented in your profile to achieve better results.

Many of these pages have something in common, and that is that they are free. To join, just create an account using your email address, choose a username and fill out a form.

You should also take into account the risks that can be run when cuckold dating strangers, for which it is always worth having a quota of distrust before accepting something.

The first thing to know is that looking for a partner on an online dating site does not mean that you are a person who does not succeed in relationships in the real world; This is simply a new form of interaction that increases the chances of meeting interesting people with similar tastes to yours.

In addition, it is a space that allows you to show in a more agile way what your personality is like and what your interests are, at the same time that you can have a casual conversation to get to know the other person better and find out if they are compatible without having dinner. uncomfortable.

Tinder is one of the most popular dating sites in the world. (Free Press Photo: Services)

Most dating sites have the same dynamic, which is to give the opportunity to upload some photographs, fill in some data with personal information such as age, height, and city of residence, for example; in addition, a small space to write a description.

At first glance, it seems that a lot has to be achieved - catching the other person's attention - with the little information that is allowed to be shared, especially considering the large number of people who use these sites. How to stand out from that tide of profiles and candidates?

The first point in favor that few users have is that the vast majority take lightly the importance of making a good selection of the photos on their profile and writing a good description.

Your online profile is what will help people choose whether or not to contact you. To create a good dating profile, you will need to write an attention-grabbing bio. You also attach some unique photos to your account.

Matter of age?

Dating sites can be used by people of different ages from 18 years old, in this regard the most important thing to take into account is that most of these pages allow you to narrow your search.

By filling out the form you can choose the age range of people with whom you would like to connect, from that account the site will only show you people within that range.

The principles for making improvements to your profile do not vary according to age, because no matter what stage of your life each user is in, everyone is looking for the same thing: a person who meets their partner requirements and who is attractive and interesting.

In addition, most pages do not allow a greater degree of customization, so the only thing left is to choose the photographs well, write with grace, be honest, and hope to make an appointment with someone who allows you to generate mutual attraction.

Here are some tips to help you improve your profile on dating sites and stand out from the crowd.

1. Pay attention to the first impression: the most recommended is that the first photograph of your profile is an image of yourself in which your physical features are clearly seen, that is, without dark glasses or a hat. Wearing these accessories makes you look like a person who is hiding something and is less trustworthy, it may appear in other photos with sunglasses, but it is not recommended for the main photo of your profile. You may also be interested in best cuckold sites for couples 

2. Smile: if you appear smiling in the photos, that will allow you to show yourself as a fun, sociable, and friendly person; which is attractive to many people.

3. Striking colors: in addition to a smile, you can also wear brightly colored clothing, this will make it stand out.

4. Upload several photos, but do not overdo them: on the one hand it is important that there are several photos on your profile, firstly because a profile with only one image could look fake; however, it is also not recommended that you upload more than ten photos. Remember that you only have a few seconds to capture the attention of other users, it is unlikely that someone will see 150 photos of the same profile, no matter how attractive the person is.

5. Select Images - We have already said that the first photo on your profile should clearly show your physical features. The rest of the images that you upload to your profile can serve to show your essence and briefly tell what your personality is like and what your interests are. For example, in one photo you could appear doing some of your work, in the next a hobby, in another at an event with friends and the last one could be a snapshot of your last trip. The idea is that with a short selection of images you can show various facets of your life.

6. A faithful portrait: avoid using photos where it looks different, even if it looks good, it is best to use images that fully reflect how it looks; but when going on a date, the other person may feel disappointed and cheated.

7. Keep your description brief, but give the person who reads it a good sense of your personality and interests; as well as what you are looking for in a partner.

8. Balance: it is recommended that your description be balanced as follows. 70 percent to talk about you and 30 percent to detail what you are looking for. Otherwise, you may seem like a demanding and selfish person.

9. Honesty: you deserve to find someone who accepts you for who you are, don't worry about impressing many people with a false perception of yourself, instead get busy with the idea of ​​liking few people for who you really are.

10. Be original and fun in your description to invite other people to want to know more about you. Look for original ways to describe your profession and hobbies, for example. It could also be effective to end your description with a funny question or on a topic that you are passionate about, something that allows the reader to give you an answer and thus start the conversation.

11. Pay special attention to grammar and spelling. Many people find it unpleasant to read a poorly written description. Can you imagine missing the opportunity to meet someone special just because you don't use accents or punctuation marks appropriately?

Putting pictures of your hobbies on your profile is a good way to get noticed on dating sites. (Free Press Photo: Services)

I hide it on dating sites

Kaspersky Lab and B2B International published in 2017 the results of an investigation on users of online dating sites, focused on what is the pattern of behavior and what are the threats that users face.

"We have also discovered what data users are willing to share with strangers and why many of them lie (and about what)," the statement read.

According to the document, 57 percent of people admit to having "adorned" reality when recounting their lives on dating websites and married men are the ones who tend to lie the most: 67 of them claimed to have Lied when filling in the details of their profiles or during conversations.

Married men lie mostly to hide their romantic situation. Apart from this, both men and women lie more about their physical appearance. The rest of the lies are usually about age, economic situation, and other data of the style, ”the study authors explain.

The research also revealed that about 16 percent modify the truth to appear more attractive in the eyes of their potential dates. The study cites data from the online dating site OkCupid, which indicates that men considered being the most attractive to female visitors to the page, that is, the tallest, muscular, and with a good job, have an 11 times greater probability of receive messages than men with lower "scores."

In the case of women, those who are considered more attractive, younger and thin, receive a volume of messages 5 times greater than women of "average" beauty, and 28 times more than women considered unattractive.

"Taking into account that the probability of a date increases in proportion to the number of messages received, it is no surprise that both men and women try to improve their photos and their profiles," the study authors' statement reads.

However, the idea of ​​being more attractive to other users is not the main reason why people lie on their profiles on dating sites.

According to the research, around 36 percent of the men surveyed claimed to have lied "just for fun," but the main reason some women lie is that they are concerned that the real data could be used against them.

55 percent of dating site visitors have had some kind of problem, from an unpleasant conversation to real threats.

According to the study, although there is a great deal of false information, dating sites are very popular and about 32 percent of all Internet users visit them.