Monday, November 9, 2020

What is the ICO, how does it work and what is it for?

The article was written By Mickael Mosse – Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Expert

According to Mickael MosseICOs are all the rage. Dozens of companies have raised nearly $ 1.5 billion through the novel fundraising mechanism in 2017. Celebrities from Floyd Mayweather to Paris Hilton have jumped on the hype. But don't feel bad if you're still wondering: what the heck is an ICO?

What is an ICO about?

According to Mickael MosseThe acronym probably sounds familiar, and that's on purpose: an ICO (Initial Coin Offering) does work in a similar way to an initial public offering (IPO). However, instead of offering shares in a company, a company is offering digital assets called "tokens."

Ethereum , a popular blockchain for companies launching ICOs, is a newer and separate technology from Bitcoin, whose token is called Ether. It is even possible to build new tokens on the Ethereum blockchain.

Mickael Mosse points out that, btw token sale is like a crowdfunding campaign, except that it uses the technology behind Bitcoin (btw) to verify transactions. Oh, and tokens aren't just wildcards for the stock, they can be configured so that instead of sharing a business, holders receive services, like cloud storage space for example.

Below we break down the increasingly popular practice of launching an ICO and its potential to disrupt the business as we know it.

Mickael Mosse Blockchain Advisor

Mickael Mosse
Mickael Mosse Crypto Advisor

What is a token and what is it for?

Mickael Mosse points out that, Let's start with Bitcoin, the most popular token system. Bitcoin and other digital currencies are based on cryptographic blockchains that record every transaction made using Bitcoin tokens. Individual computers around the world, connected via the Internet, verify each transaction using open-source software.

Some of those computers, called miners, compete to solve a computationally intensive cryptographic puzzle and gain opportunities to add “blocks” of verified transactions to the chain. For their work, the miners get bitcoin tokens in return.

Blockchains need miners to run, and btw tokens are the economic incentive to mine. Some tokens are built on new versions of the Bitcoin (btw) blockchain that have been modified in some way; examples include Litecoin and ZCash.

Ethereum, a popular blockchain for companies launching ICOs, is a newer and separate technology from Bitcoin, (btw) whose token is called Ether. It is even possible to build new tokens on the Ethereum blockchain. says Mickael Mosse

But proponents of blockchain technology say the power of tokens goes beyond simply inventing new coins from the air. Bitcoin eliminates the need for a trusted central authority to mediate the exchange of value, a credit card company, or a central bank, for example. In theory, that can be achieved for other things as well.

Take cloud storage, for example. Several companies are building blockchains to facilitate peer-to-peer buying and selling of storage space, a model that could challenge mainstream providers like Dropbox and Amazon. The tokens in this case are the payment method for storage.

A blockchain verifies transactions between buyers and sellers and serves as a record of their legitimacy. How exactly this works depends on the project. At Filecoin, which broke records last month by raising more than $ 250 million through an ICO, miners would earn tokens by providing storage or retrieving stored data for users.

Mickael Mosse Bitcoin advisor

The dangers of ICOs

Mickael Mosse points out that, One of the first ICOs to cause a major setback occurred in May 2016 with the Decentralized Autonomous Organization (known as DAO), which was essentially a decentralized hedge fund built on Ethereum. Investors could use the DAO tokens to cast votes on how to disburse the funds, and the profits were supposed to go back to stakeholders.

Unfortunately for everyone involved, a hacker exploited a vulnerability in Ethereum's design to steal tens of millions of dollars in digital currency.

What is the future of ICOs?

Some people think that ICOs could lead to new and exotic ways of building a business. If a cloud storage team like Filecoin were to suddenly skyrocket in popularity, for example, it would enrich anyone who owns or mines the token, rather than an established group of company executives and employees. says Mickael Mosse,

This would be a "decentralized" company, says Peter Van Valkenburgh, director of research at the Coin Center, a nonprofit research and advocacy group focused on policy issues related to blockchain technology.

Article from

Friday, May 29, 2020

How to learn SEO without dying trying

Are you interested in learning SEO but don't know where to start? We are going to get straight to the point through a small guide so that you see with some perspective the steps to learn about this exciting discipline. Mainly we will focus on Google for being the most used search engine. Of course, like all good learning, it will be necessary to dedicate time.


First steps to learn SEO from scratch

Official documentation from Google

Have a website or make it

Learn the elements and technologies of a website

Other resources and sources to learn free SEO




Twitter and LinkedIn / Slide Share

Congresses and meetups


First steps to learn SEO from scratch

I take as a base that you have a voracious interest in becoming a good SEO, that you like the web world, digital marketing, and, in short, playing around to get to appear in the first positions. If so, the adventure begins!

Official documentation from Google

Yes, it is not necessary to pay anything to know the good practices that Google recommends and understand how the search engine works.

Beginner's Guide to Search Engine Optimization

First of all, I recommend you access and download this mythical guide (which almost all of us have gone through) to begin to better understand the recommendations that Google proposes within a web page. In his day, he had even printed it for me to underline and make notes. Very useful for the first contact.

The online version of the guide

You can also access the online version from the Search Console help center, which also describes the best practices to perform for the different aspects of website SEO.
Many of the mistakes that are made at first can be avoided by reading the basic guides provided by Google.

How Google search works

The previous document is already a few years old, so I advise reading updated information on how Google works. I would also recommend looking for concepts on keyword crawling and indexing or analysis. This page is perfect for learning free SEO, getting to know Googlebot, and the above concepts.

Search Quality Evaluator Guidelines

This is the guide that Google gives to the evaluators (that is, real people) to “score” the search results when there is an update to the algorithm. It is important to be aware of this information because if your content is about the health niche, for example, and Google begins to be more restrictive with the theme to prevent fraud, surely you will have to adapt to its rules to avoid falling into the SERP.

Have a website or make it

Nowadays, thanks to CMS or content managers, it is not difficult at all to make a website for yourself. The best known and recommended, especially for its versatility when practicing SEO techniques, is WordPress.

And why are you going to get into making a website now? Well basically to put into practice what you are reading in the guides. Practicing is how you gain experience and lose the fear of doing certain things, such as modifying meta titles, meta descriptions, registering your domain in a Google property ... And, of course, learning SEO step by step based on errors. Because yes, we all commit them and it is where you learn the most, so it is better to commit them with the web in production.
Doing SEO is not theorizing, it is experimenting. Hence the importance of practicing what you are learning and, above all, of creating a working methodology.

At this point, I recommend what I did in its day: create a local website to "play" everything you want without messing up. You can use Flywheel, a simple program to carry out the web installations you need on your computer in a very simple way.

Learn the elements and technologies of a website

You don't have to be a programmer to study SEO, but you do need to know the elements that make up a web page (headers, metadata, text, images, domain name, frames, ...), as well as the different technologies with which they can be made (HTML, CSS, java script, progressive web app, https….).

Here are some interesting links for this purpose:

Starting with HTML + CSS

Tutorials with visual examples and codes to practice

You may be wondering why you need to know code if, in total, with WordPress and plugins you already have it. Well, I'm sorry to tell you that that is not the philosophy.
As a good future SEO, you must know how a website has been created and thus try to discover problems in the code and propose solutions. You can even scan websites to get useful information if you know what a div, a class, a selector, JS Path, or XPath is, among other concepts.

Other resources and sources to learn free SEO content writing services

As you begin to discover the first concepts when considering SEO on a web page, you can look at other sources of information that will make you understand how to apply them in a more practical and enjoyable way.


Without a doubt, the fastest and most direct source to learn SEO from scratch and for free are YouTube channels. Here are some:

SEO web positioning of the Luís M Villanueva channel.

One of the leading SEOs in the sector, whose value contribution consists of explaining practical work methodologies, conducting experiments with the aim of verifying the truth behind the theories, and conducting interviews with professionals in the sector.
Concepts, methodologies, and SEO interviews of the Webpositer channel.

It is another of the channels through which I have learned different concepts and practices. Concepts are explained clearly and very didactically.

SEO for beginners of the Romuald Fons channel.

I recommend that you try to replicate the tricks or methodologies of the videos to become fluent and apply them to your project. Perhaps he is the most charismatic communicator in the SEO world for his way of explaining concepts and strategies that he himself puts into practice.

It is more focused on niches, but of course, you can get many good ideas from your channel.


Here there are a lot of options, but we leave you some of the most common in the sector so you can be updated:

  1. Webmaster Central Blog
  1. Search Engine Land
  1. Search Engine Roundtable
  1. Search Engine Watch
  1. Moz - Blog
  1. Deep crawl - Blog


For a few years now, the power of podcasts has been expanding to all areas of the marketing sector. And to learn web positioning it was not going to be less. Here are some for you to listen to on a daily basis:

Emilio García Web Camp

A great podcast full of interviews with professionals in the sector on how they work in their day today. Emilio also reflects on different topics, news, and SEO experiments.

Andrés Kloster's SEO machine

These are entirely interviews with SEO professionals from both Spain and Latin America.

Paradise Marketing Paradises (that is, we… hehe)

Where all the members of the team explain doubts about the specialty of each one, always in a pleasant and close way.

Planeta M, a weekly digital marketing gathering

With professionals from the sector chatting about concepts and experiences of their day today.

Twitter and LinkedIn / Slide Share

It is important to keep up to date with SEO news, more than anything because Google updates its algorithm every two by three, and in some way, it may be affecting the rankings of the websites. For this, what better social network than Twitter thanks to the speed of the transmission of information to be aware of everything. In addition, so you can stay up to date with new tools, tricks, or tips.

National SEO Twitter accounts:

Iñaki Huerta

Fernando Macia

Juan Gonzalez

Álvaro Peña

Lakil Essay

MJ Cachón

Nazir Torrado

Sergio Simarro

Linen Uruñuela

LM Villanueva

International SEO Twitter accounts:

John Mu

Google Webmasters

Matt Cutts

Barry Schwartz

Rand Fishkin

Aleyda Solis

Gary Illyes

When it comes to LinkedIn when learning SEO positioning, it is very useful not only because it is a social network to establish contacts at a professional level, but because it integrates Slide Share. On this platform, many professionals upload and share their presentations to be able to access them for free. We leave you some very interesting examples, although with somewhat more advanced topics:

A 4-piece puzzle called SEO

Pages, the black hole of indexing - Clinic Seo
Keep indexing # seoplus19
Data Studio to the Rescue - SEonthebeach 2019

Take advantage of the presentations that the speakers upload to their Slide Share. Please note that they are sharing high-quality information ... for free!

Congresses and meetups

Without a doubt, the best way to network and meet the professionals you follow in person.
Some of the most relevant national conferences are Professional SEO Congress, SEOnthebeach, Salad SEO, SEO Clinic, Eshow, or Pro Marketing Day.
On the other hand, there are meetups, which are either training or leisure meetings. You can enter the web or download its application to join different groups because among them there are many SEOs. Every month there are interesting talks that you can sign up for, and many of them are totally free.


It is another resource where you can learn a lot, from interviews to practical exhibitions. The vast majority are made through YouTube or Hangout, so they are almost always recorded for the community. Below we leave you the most relevant, among which the Webmaster tools channel where @JohnMu and collaborators speak:

Official SEMrush channel in Spanish
Official channel of Google Webmasters
SEO Ministry official channel

I hope that all these tips on how to learn SEO online help you. Above all, because they have brought back many memories of how I started. And, if it helps you in any way in your beginnings, I will be even happier. And you, where do you study SEO? Do you have any source that is your particular Bible? We want to meet her!

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

The Best Computers / Laptops for Music Production

The Best Computers / Laptops for Music Production

If we think about the fact that today virtually all musical recordings take place digitally ...

The first question that comes to the mind of any musician when it comes to music production is:

Which computer should I buy?

Although I am sure you already know it, I tell you that there is no one- size- fits- all answer.

Among the variables to consider we have:

budget available

data processing speed


The ideal option would be completely different from that of another.
For this reason, in today's post, I will give you an overview of everything you need to know to choose the perfect PC / laptop for YOUR needs.

Let's start: first ...

Laptop vs. Desktop

desktop vs laptop more and more these days, as technology becomes more " mobile " ...

Desktop computers are slowly sliding into the past.

But for music recordings, they are still used in ALL professional studios.

Computer Accessories Price In Bangladesh

Here because:

They are generally faster - the cabinets offer plenty of space, ideal for maximizing PC performance and meeting the high demand for resources of today's DAWs and plugins.

They have more IN / OUT - and this will allow you to have more sophisticated and numerous connections, so as to keep your setup constantly updated.

They allow for greater customization - it will, therefore, be possible to add more RAM, extra hard drives, additional video cards, and more ... if necessary.

They solve the "noise" problem - allowing you to keep the tower in a room separate from your studio monitors and microphones.

In spite of all these advantages, the ONLY thing desktop computers lack is the… PORTABILITY.
and in today's world, made up of DJs and mobile studios, the portability of a laptop is a MUST.

Also ... since most of us still use a laptop for school/work, it eliminates the need to make two different purchases.

At this point, I think you've already decided if a desktop or laptop computer is better for you...

So let's continue with ...

Mac Vs. PC

mac vs plant to know what's the best way to piss off a recording enthusiast? Here's how to do it :
If he uses a PC in his studio, tell him that Macs are better.

If he uses a Mac, tell him that PCs are better.

For some strange reason, this topic triggers violent debates ... which have always lasted, without real conclusions.

And in fact, I absolutely HATE to have my say on this topic.

Anyway, here it is:

Personally, I prefer Macs. Not just for recording, but for everything. And these days, most of those who revolve around the world of music (and not only) agree.

If YOU are among them too ... just take a Mac.

So why choose a PC? Usually for one of these 3 reasons :

Price - Macs usually cost more than one PC, and not everyone can afford it.

Customization - The "nerds" typically prefer PCs, as it is much easier to modify/update them in the hardware part.

Windows - Some simply prefer a Windows operating system.

If you don't recognize yourself in any of these 3 reasons ... take a Mac.

However, whatever your choice, be aware that there is a lot of fantastic music that has been created with both one and the other, and this topic is actually not as important as someone might have made you believe.

Assuming you made your choice ... let's move on.

Let's continue with ...

Mac Desktop

mac desktops with desktop Macs, we have 3 options:

Mac Pro


Mac Mini

Let's now compare them:

In the first place is the Mac Pro.

For studio recording, there is probably nothing better. Put your nose in any professional studio ... and in all probability, you will find one of these.

In any case…

The truth is this: for most of us, a Mac Pro is simply too expensive. One might then think ... of the iMac.

Although it doesn't even come close to the Pro's performance, the iMac is very practical for anyone who is starting out, as it combines the computer and monitors into one object.

If you can afford it, it's probably the ideal choice for most home studios.

If you CAN'T, the final option is the Mac Mini.

How many times have you heard someone say:

I would like a Mac, but they cost too much

Well, the Mac Mini is proof that this isn't completely true.

It may not have the speed or flexibility of the more expensive models ... but it offers ALL the advantages of a Mac operating system, at a very modest reference price.

Mac Pro - ( price )

iMac - ( price )

Mac Mini - ( price )

Let's continue with ...

Desktop PC

modified echo among you likes to build your own PC ...

I have no doubt that you know much more about it than I know ...


If you can assemble something faster and better than a Mac Pro ... do it.

I wouldn't dare try to convince you otherwise.

If, on the other hand, you DO NOT fall into this category, and in reality, you don't even know much about computers ...

Then I advise you to stay away from desktop PCs.

And here's why:

If you're NOT a big PC fan, the only reason you should choose one for studying would be because you're starting out and trying to save money.

Since the main advantage of desktop computers is MORE PROCESSOR POWER, it makes little sense to take a PC that isn't incredibly fast.

If you have a budget of around € 500, you could take a laptop, so you also have the advantage of portability.

Having said that, let's move on with ...

The 4 KEY specifications of a Laptop

We have seen how laptops can be ... somehow ... " a little less suitable " for music production ...

Here are 4 potential issues to watch out for:

Mechanical Noise - If you are a DJ in a noisy club, this point obviously doesn't matter. But in a bedroom studio, it matters a lot. One way to check this is to read a lot of reviews. Or: choose an SSD (solid-state drive) with no moving parts, instead of a traditional HDD (the classic hard disk).

Backlit Keys - in low light environments such as clubs and discos, they are a MUST-HAVE.

Screen Size - You may think it's not that important, but after spending some time using a DAW, you will understand how much value a larger screen has.

Ports - The trend of laptops is to decrease the size, and so the number of inputs/outputs also decreases. So make sure you have enough for your purpose.

Now is the time to take a look at some laptops ...

Mac laptops

portable iMac with Mac laptops we have 3 options:

The first is precisely the Macbook Pro.

My idea is that ... MacBook Pros are the most popular laptops for home recording.

They are ultra-fast

They have many entrances

They have large high definition screens

If you can afford it, take one. Otherwise…

The Macbook and Macbook Air are both in 2nd place, albeit remotely.

They are not that fast, and they don't even have the same number of inputs, but they are extremely thin and light ... especially the Macbook Air!

Here they are:

Macbook Pro - ( price )

Macbook Air - ( price )

Macbook - ( price )

Let's continue with ...

Portable PCs

laptops the one hand, laptops are EXCELLENT ...

As they offer an unlimited number of models to choose from.

On the other hand, though, laptop PCs are AWFUL ... for the exact same reason.

And with that, what I mean is ...

While having many options is a good thing, the more they are, the more difficult it will be:

choose from one of them

be sure you made the right choice

be happy with your own after doing it

And unfortunately in music production, there is no clear winner that stands out from the rest.

As most people rightly think ... the best laptops for music tend to be usually the best laptops in general.

So here are the 5 most popular and best-reviewed options:

HP Envy - ( price )

Asus Zenbook - ( price )

HP Special Edition w / Beats Audio - ( price )

Dell Inspiron - ( price )

Lenovo Yoga 3 - ( price )

Let's continue with ...

System Requirements for the DAW

system requirements dawAn important point worthy of mention, and which is rarely mentioned ...

These are the system requirements necessary for the DAW you have chosen.

Although most computers are compatible with most DAWs today ...

In some rare cases... It is NOT so, so you should always make sure of this.

If you don't have a favorite DAW yet or don't even know what a DAW is, then don't worry about this part.

However, for those who KNOW IT, here are the links to the system requirements for each of the best DAWs available today:

PreSonus Studio One

Cakewalk Sonar

FL Studio

Propellerhead Reason

Ableton Live

MOTU Digital Performer

Steinberg Cubase

Apple Logic Pro X

Avid Pro Tools

Let's continue with ...

3 Essential Computer Accessories

Once you have finally identified the computer, you will have to choose the ACCESSORIES.

For recording studios, the 3 accessories that I recommend are:

a keyboard

a mouse

a monitor

And now let's understand what you want from each of them ...

1. The keyboard

studio keyboardsHaving said that any old keyboard could work ...

Your ideal keyboard should include 3 features:

DAW shortcut markers (marks shortcut) - will help you to store many shortcuts MUCH faster.

Numeric keypad - including LOTS of useful shortcuts for most DAWs.

A wireless connection - to access and control your computer from anywhere in the room.

NOTE: Even if you have a laptop, you might consider buying an external keyboard: p to be very useful.

Here are my favorites:

Logitech Wireless Solar Keyboard - ( PC / Mac ) - in addition to having a numeric keypad and wireless connection, this keyboard has a unique feature that you will not find in (almost) any other: it works on solar energy. And this means neither cable nor batteries forever.

Customized Keyboards for LogicKeyboard DAW - ( web site ) - Probably the best known of "marker shortcuts" manufacturer for software, LogicKeyboard has both of customized keyboards that keyboard cover for virtually any combination DAW / imaginable keyboard.

Let's continue with ...

2. The Mouse

Logitech performance mouse main ... any mouse (or trackpad) might be fine ...

With a really good mouse ...

Some programmable buttons can give you access to the most frequently used shortcuts on your DAW without ever touching the keyboard.

This tool alone can speed up your work significantly.

Although there is an almost infinite number of mice to choose from ... I recommend to start your search.

My favorite mouse of their line is the Logitech Performance Mouse MX - ( price ). If you still don't have clear ideas, I recommend you evaluate it.

Some great alternatives:

Logitech MX Master - ( price / reviews )

Logitech MX Anywhere 2 - ( price / reviews )

3. The Monitor

Apple Thunderbolt DisplayWhen you start with home recording ...

You don't immediately understand the value of a REALLY GOOD monitor.

But in the end, after working for a while with one of the poor quality ...

You will notice 3 things:

Low-resolution screens can only display a small number of tracks at a time.

TV screens often have pixels highlighted and are strange to watch closely.

Screens with low refresh rates cannot display level meters in sync with the track.

None of these problems, taken individually, is unbearable. All 3 together will drive you crazy.

Friday, March 27, 2020

Safe children in the car

In collaboration with the UPI - Accident Prevention Office, we offer you a free info guide in 11 languages. The new guide provides answers about the appropriate seat for the respective age group and the optimal way to secure children in the seat.

Children up to a year and a half

The youngest should be carried in the baby shell for as long as possible. The latter is always positioned in the opposite direction of travel and, preferably, on the rear seat. If the shell is attached to the front seat, the front airbag must be deactivated. In seats approved according to the new ECE-R129 standard, children must travel backward up to 15 months of age. A larger size seat should only be chosen when the child's head passes the edge of the shell.

Children between a year and a half and four

Children up to approximately 4 years of age can be carried in a seat, generally placed in the direction of travel and equipped with their own five-point belt system. It is important that the seat is securely anchored to the vehicle. If this occurs with Isofix anchors, the car must appear on the list of child seat types. A change in the upper category is justified only when the child's head protrudes from the seat. Low-cost airport minicab service Bournemouth

Children between four and twelve years old

For older children, a seat with a back is preferably used for optimal safety and greater comfort. Simple rises are allowed but do not offer protection in the event of a side impact. Important is that the belt is tightened and placed correctly on the child's body. These places can be occupied by children up to 12 years old or less than 150 cm tall (the limit reached first). In this respect, weight plays a secondary role. Even for kids, the safest places are the rear ones.

Car seats save lives, but only if used correctly

On seats equipped with a 3-point safety belt, children up to 12 years of age younger than 150 cm must be transported with an adequate restraint system (e.g. booster seat with or without backrest), as per art. 3rd ONC. The seat must be approved according to ECE-R44 / 03 resp. 04 or R129 (mostly orange label). Strictly observe the instructions for use of the seat as well as the car manual. The belt must adhere perfectly to the child's body (remove winter jackets or open them), otherwise, he will not be able to protect him properly.

Friday, March 20, 2020

Take the taxi with the children

Have you ever tried to take a taxi with babies or children? A few days ago I had the need to take the taxi with Carlotta and I was surprised by the insecurity with which the children circulate. For me, it is unthinkable to load the girl in the car without a special seat. So, before leaving, I called the taxi company in Milan to find out if it was possible to book a taxi with a seat. The call center replied that there are no taxis with seats and that I could hold the girl in my arms (which is very dangerous )!

I also checked on the State Police website where - in fact - it is highlighted that the use of child seats is not mandatory for the transport of children by taxi: "in the case of cars used for the public transport service (for example on a taxi or rental with driver) children under 1.50 meters in height can only move on the rear seat, not held by special restraint systems, and always accompanied by a passenger of at least 16 years of age ". I understand that a taxi driver cannot always carry seats of various sizes, but I believe that at least a certain amount of child-friendly taxis can be provided, exactly as there are taxis payable by credit card. minicab near me

The only solution: bring your seat. I did it, arousing great surprise and hilarity from the taxi driver who said to me "I have never seen any parent bring their seat". Luckily I brought it: the taxi driver drove like a madman, cheerfully phoning a friend with his cell phone in his hand. A nightmare!

Are there taxis with seats in our cities? How do you do it?

And the criticality of the theft will be managed electronically by the car owner: it is imagined that by pressing a button the car can be disabled.

Friday, March 13, 2020


Bad smell of hair despite frequent washing? In reality, what smells is not the hair but the scalp. Even if washed with certain diligence, there are many factors that influence its scent. In fact, even washing it too often is not a good habit because it will tend to get dirty faster, and it can also increase sebum production. The bad smell can be due to various causes, such as excess fat, excessive sweating, the effect of chemicals, hormonal changes or even a bacterial infection. Read on to find out how to fix it naturally.

Sodium bicarbonate

The baking soda is one of the home remedies used for years to remove the odor from the hair and scalp. In fact, most of the homemade dry shampoos contemplate it as the main ingredient thanks to its ability to neutralize odors and reduce scalp fat.

To use it as a remedy for the bad smell of the scalp, just mix one part of bicarbonate with three parts of water to form a paste and use it as if it were the usual shampoo. First, wet the hair and rinse it with water and then proceed with the application of the paste, leave for 5 minutes and then rinse and wash well. To notice the results, repeat the treatment once a week. you may also be interested smelly hair cure

Tomato juice

The tomato is a very acidic food, therefore, it helps to balance the pH of the scalp. It also helps to effectively cleanse oil and fats.

It is a very simple remedy, as well as effective and economic.
To use it, it is necessary to extract the tomato juice, apply it on the scalp, insisting well on the roots through gentle circular massages and leave for 15 minutes. Then remove with plenty of lukewarm water. This remedy can be used twice a week. 

Lemon juice

The lemon is another very acidic food. Its aroma or extract is contained in many shampoos because it helps fight dandruff and excess sebum. It also helps keep the scalp soft and shiny, and its citric aroma will leave the scent of fresh and clean hair. In this case, the juice of two lemons is needed. A trick to squeeze the lemon and get all its juice is to place it horizontally on a flat surface and with your palm slide it back and forth several times by pressing lightly: you will notice a greater amount of juice than that obtained normally.

The process is very simple.

Wash the hair and then apply the lemon juice, leave for five minutes and rinse it. Repeat the treatment three times a week.

Apple cider vinegar

L ' vinegar is a popular home remedy to combat lice, but can also be useful for disposing of the action of all the chemicals that cause the bad smell of the scalp and the' excess fat. It also restores its natural pH and gives hair shine.

Then mix half a cup of apple cider vinegar with two cups of water. If necessary, add essential oil (eg rose, lavender, rosemary ..) to slightly remove the smell of vinegar but up to a maximum of three drops. Then apply on the scalp, leave on for 10 minutes and then rinse with cold water to make the hair waterproof and shiny.

Apples and cinnamon

The combination of apple and cinnamon is an excellent remedy to combat the bad smell of the scalp. Both ingredients have antibacterial and antifungal properties, as well as leaving a delicious aroma on the hair. Follow the next steps to prepare an effective honey and cinnamon mask for the problem in question:

First, boil a cup of water with half a teaspoon of ground cinnamon. Eventually, you can use a stick, even if the powder is the ideal option.

Leave to rest to allow the water to absorb the properties and aroma of the cinnamon.

Then mix with a teaspoon of honey.

If the cinnamon stick has been used, remove it previously, otherwise mix the mixture and let it cool to not burn.

Apply the mask on the scalp and leave for at least two hours.

The product can be considered a mask for the rather dense consistency that it must assume, so in case it is too liquid to decrease the quantity of water.

Spend two hours rinse well with water and wash your hair normally.

For best results, apply the mask 1-2 times a week, taking into consideration that over time this product may lighten the hair slightly.

Therefore if it is not an effect you want to decrease the frequency. In addition, mixing a spoonful of honey with 1/4 teaspoon of cinnamon powder without water produces a paste effective in strengthening the immune system and therefore eliminating possible infections that cause a bad smell of the scalp.

Tea tree oil

The ' tea tree oil has many properties not only cosmetic but also beneficial. Used on the scalp, it helps fight the bad smell caused by infections or excess sebum and is also effective against dandruff. Here are the steps to perform:

Dilute three tablespoons of tea tree oil in a glass of water and apply it on the hair.

If it burns or itches, it means that it must be further diluted, so add some water.

Massage the scalp with the compound obtained and leave to act for at least 20 minutes.

Finally, rinse your hair well. If desired, you can add a few drops of tea tree oil to your shampoo.

If you opt for this remedy it is important to remember to never go out with the treatment applied, because it could cause the appearance of spots on the skin.

Aloe vera

L ' aloe vera is effective against odor and counteract dandruff and hair fall. Those who normally own this plant at home are very lucky because the gel and the pulp that they extract from it have a rather wide field of action, including what is right for us: it helps to rebalance the pH of the skin and reduce the production of scalp fat. To use it for this purpose, therefore, just apply the aloe vera gel on previously washed hair as usual. Leave on for 15 minutes and rinse well. Recall that on Amazon there are numerous remedies to eliminate bad hair odor, below we highlight the best present on the well-known e-commerce.

Aloe vera for hair, 100% organic and vegan gel that allows you to eliminate bad odors, as well as help the scalp against dryness, dandruff, or damaged hair.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020


What do we think when we hear the phrase "distracted driving"?
Sending messages, using the phone, using email ... all while driving.
This morning while driving on the Florida highway, it occurred to me to look at a man driving a van; with a cup of coffee on the dashboard, a newspaper wrapped over the dashboard and a razor in his right hand - all this - while driving at the speed of 70mph. The worrying part is that the man was in the driver's seat of the van. Distracted driving includes a set of things that drivers have been doing for a long time, but, since the time we have been able to talk on the phone and send texts over the phone while driving the question is: Have we seriously thought about the real dangers what can happen at that moment?

Distracted driving may have started earlier, but the first radio in the car certainly happened with the installation. For the first time, the drivers had something, which is represented, an entertainment or a distraction from their driving. Was it the first distraction: A cigarette, a cigar, a passenger or the first speedometer? All these developments represented "innocent distractions" while driving but nobody really thought of it, as something important, until the installations of complete office equipment and entertainment centers were introduced into cars. you can get a safe taxi service here Luton Airport Transfers

Today we have distractions from many and varied sources, unfortunately unlimited, including:




Text message

Email Fax

Global Navigation Systems

System head-up display

DVD players


Light the cigarette

Operate or adjust the radio


Talk to passengers



Search for an address

Observe an accident on the road

Read an automatic road sign

Approach an emergency vehicle

Use the electric shaver

Apply cosmetics

Apply nail polish

National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA) reports that more than 453,000 people have died or been injured on the roads of our country in 2009. This number includes a certain number of deaths that could potentially have been avoided (5,474 deaths in total ) limiting or reducing cell phone use while driving. Distractions are not limited to only two types of groups such as, visual and cognitive when driving a car or other vehicle. The third type of distraction adds to the previous ones and is the dangerous mixture of manual demand to drive a car or drive a truck with the execution of distraction activities. Similarly, distractions are evaluated based on three categories of critical reasoning:

Internal distraction: a situation that requires a response by his / her attention about an event, object, person or activity inside the vehicle. Some relevant examples are, for example: tuning the radio, adjusting the heating/cooling system, participating in the conversation with the passenger, using the cell phone, picking up fallen objects, reading books, magazines, maps, invoices, etc...

External distraction: Accidents in which the driver fails to recognize a situation that demands a response because his / her attention is directed to an event, object, person or activity outside the vehicle. Relevant examples include looking for a street address, activity on construction sites, searching for a building or landscape, looking for a sign, looking at the place where an accident has occurred before, etc. Distractions are distinguished by the lack of attention in which the distraction induces the driver to concentrate his attention on the same distraction.

Lack of attention to distraction: when the driver fails to recognize a situation that requires an answer because his / her attention has deviated from the task of driving for no reason. In this circumstance, the driver is focused on internal thoughts (for example daydreaming, problem-solving, family concern) and therefore his attention is not focused on the driving task.

What can also be added to this category are the exclusive mechanical distractions created by using certain devices in a certain way; for example: holding the cell phone at ear level requires changing your field of vision, substantially or slightly; this requires that you move your arm to hold the phone near the ear creating a limitation of movement due to the change of position. All these factors seem minimal, but collectively they have demanded from the brain process that their brain process 5 or more thoughts in addition to the existing ones demanded by driving the vehicle. Studies have shown (Angel, et al 2006; Harbluk, Noy, et al 2007) that tasks that are apparently easy as having a conversation or talking with a cell phone,

Limitation of visual exploration

Visual field limitation

Neglect the demands of peripheral vision

Negative impact when processing road information

It seems too clear that the demand to operate a two-ton vehicle alone requires as much mechanical freedom as a mental process, while brain capacity can deliver them safely. If we add to each task the distractions of driving you simply add a potential for error that increases the possibility of an accident. visit fore reading more article

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Nicotinell Patches for smoking cessation become smoke-free once and for all

Nicotinell nicotine patches reduce smoking cravings by providing a stable amount of nicotine throughout the day, allowing you to maintain a consistent level of nicotine in the body.

Therefore, using a Nicotinell patch doubles the chance of quitting smoking compared to not using a nicotine product.

How to use Nicotinell Depot patch

An adult over 18 years
If you smoke more than 20 cigarettes per day: 1 patch of 21 mg / 24 hours daily for 3-4 weeks, then 1 patch of 14 mg / 24 hours daily for 3-4 weeks, and finally 1 patch of 7 mg / 24 hours daily for 3-4 weeks

If you smoke less than the equivalent of 20 cigarettes daily: 1 patch of 14 mg / 24 hours daily for 3-4 weeks, then 1 patch of 7 mg / 24 hours daily for 3-4 weeks

Using the patch:

The patch is applied to a clean, dry and preferably hair-free place on the body, e.g. the back, chest, upper arm or hip. know more about nicotine stains

It is recommended that you keep the patch 24 hours a day to best reduce your craving in the morning

Replace the patch once a day.

If you wish, you can remove the patch at bedtime
Nicotinell should not be applied to the same site twice in succession. It should take a week for the patch to be applied in the same place.
The skin should be intact and not irritated (red).
Always read the package leaflet before using the product.

Good advice and tips for Nicotinell Capsules
Nicotinell Capsules are available in three strengths: 21 mg, 14 mg, and 7 mg.
combination therapy Nicotinell Capsules can be used in combination with Nicotinell chewing gum or Nicotinell lozenges. The nicotine products can e.g. are combined as follows:

Step 1: Week 1 4

1 transdermal patch of 21 mg / 24 hours can be combined with 5 6 pieces of chewing gum or lozenges per day.

Step 2: Week 5 8

1 transdermal patch of 14 mg / 24 hours can be combined with 5 6 pieces of chewing gum or lozenges per day.

Step 3: Week 9 12

1 7 mg / 24-hour transdermal patch can be combined with 5 6 pieces of chewing gum or lozenges per day. Please note: Combination therapy is not recommended over extended periods and health care personnel should be consulted before starting treatment. The chance of quitting smoking is 5 times greater if you get help with it! Therefore, do not be afraid to seek help, e.g. at the pharmacy, at a smoking cessation course or with friends or family.

Nicotine's app, 7 Keys to Quit, can also help you cope with the difficult moments you experience in your smoking cessation process, and the program gives you help and support all in one place and always at your fingertips. Read more at
Find all Nicotinell smoking cessation products here.


Should only be used in agreement with your doctor as the risk of treatment must be weighed against the risk of continued smoking.

Should only be used in agreement with your doctor as the risk of treatment must be weighed against the risk of continued smoking.
find another interesting article please visit

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Best visas for coming to Australia

Australia will reach 40 million by 2050, thanks in large part to immigration policy. Navigating through the complex Australian visa regime takes time - and often, a lot of money. From 2016 to 2017, visa fees have brought the state about $ 2 billion.

As for visas, it doesn't matter if you have a visa, the conditions attached to that visa are important. The most fortunate have access to visas that lead to permanent residency and allow for support, work and health rights. At the other end of the spectrum are humanitarian arrangements that are so precarious and limited that they have been criticized by UNHCR.

Here are the visas, from the best to the worst.

SKILLED INDEPENDENT visa, subclass 189

This permanent visa is a "platinum ticket" for living in Australia. The successful applicant receives a five-year visa to live and work in Australia. You only need to live in Australia for two out of five years to get this visa again for another five years. Alternatively, you can spend four consecutive years in Australia and be eligible for citizenship. Australia visa for UK citizens
Those who qualify for 189 must be under the age of 45 and called and tested for points - they can arrive with their family and start working immediately.
However, this visa is difficult to come by as the occupation list associated with this visa is getting shorter.

PARTNER visa, subclass 801

With excellent conditions and a relatively cheap relationship, by Australian standards, the only real requirement for a partner visa is a lasting and real connection. Indeed, the beauty of an 801 visa is that it does not rely on professional interest.
It is a long wait - and a very detailed application process - but if applied in Australia, applicants are eligible for temporary visas.
A partnership visa is expected to change this year as authorities respond to domestic violence protection issues.
Price: from $ 7000. Processing time: about 23 months.

SIGNIFICANT INVESTOR visa, subclass 188

The so-called "millionaire visa" requires $ 5 million, but that amount only buys the applicant a temporary visa.
Those who qualify for this visa, wealthy individuals (China is the target market) must invest a minimum of $ 5 million in Australia for four years and three months, after which they will be able to apply for permanent residency.
While business is essential - the value of the investment must be kept at $ 5 million - family arrival is possible and unlimited travel is not a problem, it is implied that the merit of 188 depends on perspective.
Cost: $ 585. And a $ 5 million investment fund. Processing time: Not available.

PERMANENT PROTECTION visa, subclass 866

If asylum seekers arrive by plane, they are entitled to a permanent security visa. They have the right to sponsor family, permanent protection, the path to citizenship, full access to settlement services and the rights enjoyed by all residents of Australia. There's your gold standard.
The problem is that approximately 90% of asylum seekers in Australia come from the sea and thus have access to a temporary visa if the refugee status is found to be correct.
Price: from $ 35. Processing time: not specified.


Its predecessor, the popular 457 visas, would be among the best visas that had the visa regime not changed. But replacing the TSS is more rigorous, expensive, and narrow in scope - especially if the individual's skill is on the new Short-Term Qualifications List for Occupations, which gives a two-year temporary visa without permanent residency. Those with a mid- to long-term strategic skills list can apply for the more secure version of 482.
It will be much harder to get a PR, and the employer has much higher costs than 457.
Cost: From $ 1,150, plus $ 750, and up to $ 1,800 a year on employer’s expense. Processing time: Unknown.

REMAINING RELATIVE visa, subclass 115

This permanent visa is for people who have no close relatives anywhere except in Australia. It sounds like a smart option, for example, a parent who wants to move in with their child but waiting time can come to a staggering 56 years. Moreover, those applying in Australia do not receive automatic labor rights, which means they must be supported by their Australian relatives.
Price: from $ 3945. Processing time: Very long, up to 56 years

VISITOR visa, subclass 651

If you are in a hurry to come to Australia, a tourist visa is a good option. Processing time for a 651 Visitor visa is only one business day. However, you do not get any opportunities to assist an individual in the event of a long-term stay in Australia. It is not an easy application for those who come from high-risk countries. For three months and no chance of working or living here.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Work visa to Sweden: registration rules, terms, cost

Ukrainians master the labor market in Europe. Sweden is attracted by its liberal migration policy and the opportunity to receive salaries comparable to EU citizens. Foreigners from third countries need a work visa to Sweden for official employment. This article provides information on how to get a work visa to Sweden, what documents are needed, how much it costs to apply, how long it takes to open and how to extend it.

What is a work visa?

Special permits - a visa issued by the Swedish Council Migration Service to citizens (applicants) of non-EU countries. Depending on the term, work visas to Sweden for Ukrainians are divided into two types:
Work visa to Sweden registration rules, terms, cost

Short term :

For 90 days gives the right to temporary or seasonal work.

Working Holiday Visa - allows you to financially provide yourself on a vacation trip, performing temporary work. Validity 365 days. Australia Visa Application

Long term:

Category D national visas give the right to reside, study and work in the country for the duration of the employment contract. They are also issued if you intend to stay in Sweden for more than 90 days within six months.
Open a work visa to Sweden is not easy to show patience and character. Owners have the right to work for hire, register their own business and engage in entrepreneurial activity. Issued for two years, with the right to renew.

Temporary corridors

The validity period of a category “D” visa is two years. Not necessarily in the country for 730 days, but the total time spent in Sweden should be more than 365 days. The holder applies for a residence permit.

How to use a work visa

After arriving in Sweden, a visa is registered at the local migration office. Without registration, a visa is not considered valid and this is a mandatory requirement. During the first term, the employee has no right to change the place of work and the employer. After the extension, it is allowed to change the employer and profession, but a new work permit is required.

Conditions for obtaining permission

A prerequisite for applying for a work visa to Sweden is compliance with the rules for inviting staff.
A 10-day vacancy is left openly available at the Swedish Labor Exchange to search for candidates among EU citizens. If it was not possible to find those who wish, the vacancy is occupied by a Ukrainian.

The employer draws up a permit to invite a specific candidate to the migration service and notifies the union.


A visa to Sweden at the invitation of the employer for Ukrainians is issued on the basis of the permission of the migration service and the consent of the trade union representative.

The employer and the applicant discuss the details of cooperation and sign an employment contract.

If the contract is concluded for a period of more than 6 months, the applicant can if desired, apply for the opening of a work visa for family members. Data on each is included as an addition to the resolution. Family members can apply for a job in another company.
The algorithm for obtaining a work visa to Sweden
Obtaining a work visa to Sweden requires compliance with the procedure.
It is necessary:
Search for relevant qualifications for vacancies.

Send an offer of cooperation to the employer.

To discuss the details.

Provide information on professional skills and qualifications; attach copies of education diplomas.
gree on the terms of cooperation and sign a contract.
After receiving an official invitation, the applicant starts preparing a package of documents for a work visa to Sweden.

package of documents

Not earlier than 90 days before the planned departure from Ukraine personally submit documents to the Embassy or Consulate. If you file earlier, the application will not be accepted or rejected. No pre-recording. You can agree on the date of admission at the call center.
It is necessary to provide: know more about Aus visa

Passport (valid for at least three months) and a copy.

Internal passport of Ukraine and a copy.

1 photo size 4.5 x 3.5 cm.

A questionnaire filled out in Swedish or English with the date and signature.

You can download the questionnaire and fill samples on the official website of the Swedish Embassy in Ukraine.
A copy of the employment contract or invitation is the main document for opening a visa.
Health certificate or health insurance.
Certificate of no criminal record.
An extract from a personal account is a confirmation of the availability of funds for the first time.

Consular and service fee checks.

It is advisable to have confirmation of a hotel room reservation or an agreement with the employer on the provision of housing.
The list of additional documents is best clarified in advance. Prepare copies and certified notarized translations of qualifications and education.
Applicants apply for a visa to Sweden on their own and through accredited agencies at the Embassy. The review period depends on the difficulty of verifying the information provided. A decision takes 14 days, a maximum of 30 days.

How to extend a work visa

The procedure for extending a work visa in Sweden depends on the terms of the contract. An employment contract is extended, and a visa is extended by contacting the migration office with a request 30 days before the expiration of the previously issued permit.
A temporary certificate will be issued for a period of consideration, which must always be carried with you.

Visa Cancellation

If the employment contract, for any reason, is no longer valid, the holder of an open work visa has a chance to stay in Sweden if he can find an alternative job in a similar profession within 90 days. If it was not found, the visa is canceled.

How much does a visa to Sweden cost for Ukrainians

Consular fee 35 euros. But there are still paid services. When applying for a work visa to Sweden, the price of services varies depending on the type and urgency. Their cost is an average of 25-30 euros.

Useful Tips

Compliance with the rules of design matters.
Take the advice of those who have successfully found jobs in Sweden.

Changing the image before the trip is not worth it. Hand over a photo appropriate appearance.

Look for work in major cities. Here are more vacancies for representatives of technical specialties.

Confirmation of a diploma and qualification without knowledge of Swedish or English is a complex process.

An unlimited visa is opened after four years of living in Sweden.

After five years, apply for citizenship.

To summarize

Sweden attracts with its stability, high standard of living and wages that are many times higher than the salaries in Ukraine. Legal employment is only possible with a work visa. Getting a visa to Sweden is difficult, but possible. To open, you need an invitation from the employer or an employment contract.

In the Swiss cities, there are more vacancies for professionals, but you can find vacancies for workers without qualifications. Young people often get a job in the family with the ability to simultaneously learn the Swedish language in courses in order to find a more profitable vacant place in the future.
The eurabota portal will help you find free jobs.